mercredi 3 octobre 2012

West Coast Main Line deal scrapped after contract flaws discovered

The decision to award the UK's multi-billion-pound West Coast Main Line rail franchise to FirstGroup has been scrapped by the government.

Transport Secretary Patrick McLoughlin said it was "deeply regrettable" that mistakes had been made by staff within the Department for Transport wkooo.

Two reviews have been ordered into what happened, and the process will be re-run. The estimated cost of the mistakes will be £40m, he said.

FirstGroup said it was "disappointed".

The company had beaten current operator Virgin Trains to win the 13-year franchise after a 15-month bidding process.

The West Coast route serves 31 million passengers travelling between London, the West Midlands, the north-west of England, North Wales and the central belt of Scotland.

Mr McLoughlin emphasised that neither company had done anything wrong during the process. The "fault lies wholly and squarely with the Department of Transport", he said.

Writing on his blog, Virgin founder  details of which emerged in the early hours on Wednesday, adding that he was hopeful ministers would "now accept that Virgin Trains should carry on running the West Coast Main Line".

BBC transport correspondent Richard Westcott says the implications of the decision to scrap the deal go much further than just the West Coast Main Line.


This dramatic, midnight admission by the government that it failed to judge the West Coast Main Line bid properly is deeply embarrassing.
When the franchise was handed to First Group the then Transport Secretary Justine Greening insisted the government would push on with a process it insisted had been robust and fair - in the face of angry objections by Virgin, the Labour Party and the thousands of people who signed a petition calling for the bid to be reconsidered.
She lost her job in the reshuffle. The new Transport Secretary, Patrick McLoughlin, told the Commons as recently as 12 September he was satisfied all bids were considered fairly and with "due diligence".
Now, the day before Virgin's High Court legal challenge was due to start, the Department of Transport has admitted to "completely unacceptable mistakes."
Its rail franchising policy is in chaos nike air max pas cher.

There were about 15 rail franchises due to be decided before the next general election and the whole franchising process could now be thrown into doubt, he adds.

The August announcement that FirstGroup would take over train services on the line - one of Britain's busiest - in December had sparked a legal challenge from Virgin, which has run the franchise since 1997.

The Department for Transport said because of the decision to rerun the bidding process it would no longer be contesting the judicial review launched by Virgin Trains in the High Court.

And it said an announcement would be made about the suspension of staff while investigations were carried out.

Mr McLoughlin, who became transport secretary just three weeks ago, described the mistakes made by his department as "deeply regrettable and completely unacceptable".

He said: "A detailed examination by my officials into what happened has revealed these flaws, and means it is no longer acceptable to award a new franchise on the basis of the competition that was held.

"West Coast passengers can rest assured that while we seek urgently to resolve the future arrangements the trains that run now will continue to run with the same drivers, the same staff and timetables as planned."

He said one review would examine how the West Coast franchise competition went wrong, and what lessons could be learned. It would be headed by Sam Laidlaw, a non-executive director of the department, and is expected to report by the end of the month.


West Coast Main Line franchise

  • 15 August 2012 Virgin Rail loses franchise as FirstGroup awarded it by Department for Transport
  • 26 August Virgin Rail boss Richard Branson offers to run franchise "for free" while process is reviewed
  • 28 August Virgin Rail launches legal challenge over contract process
  • 3 October Department for Transport unexpectedly scraps contract with FirstGroup after flaws in process discovered. Two reviews ordered, and process to be re-run
  • 9 December New contract for West Coast Main Line due to begin, lasting till 2026

The other review would look into the wider Department for Transport rail franchise programme, and be overseen by Eurostar chairman Richard Brown. His report is expected by the end of December.
'Frank announcement'
FirstGroup said that it had had "no indication" of any problems with the franchising process until it was contacted by the Department for Transport.

"We are extremely disappointed to learn this news, and await the outcome of the DfT's inquiries," the company said.

"The DfT has made it clear to us that we are in no way at fault, having followed the due process correctly. We submitted a strong bid, in good faith and in strict accordance with the DfT's terms."

In a statement, Virgin Trains welcomed what it described as the transport secretary's "frank announcement" that the contest was flawed.

It said: "We are ready to play a full part in assisting the review to help deliver a franchising system that better serves passengers, taxpayers and the interests of all bidders."

Labour MP Louise Ellman, who is chairwoman of the Commons Transport Select Committee, described the development as "absolutely astonishing".

She said: "I'm going to recall the secretary of state and the permanent secretary to the Transport Select Committee, to question them about just what has gone wrong.

"This is really a major issue and a major catastrophe for them." She said three other franchises had also been cancelled.

After learning that his firm had lost the bid in August Sir Richard said he was convinced that civil servants had "got their maths wrong."

He asked that the signing of the contract could be delayed so that the process could be reviewed.

But Justine Greening, who was Transport Secretary at the time, defended what she described as the "robustness of the process".

In August, Labour had also called for a chance for MPs to review the process.

Following the cancellation, shadow transport secretary Maria Eagle said: "The West Coast rail franchise fiasco has yet again exposed the shambolic incompetence of this Tory-led government.

"The government's belated admission that it ran a flawed tendering process will come as a surprise to no one."

She called for full details to be revealed and said Mr McLoughlin should "come clean on the full cost to taxpayers of this shambles wkooo forum".

West Coast Mainline map

April Jones abduction: Police praise Machynlleth response

Dyfed-Powys Police have praised the "tremendous response" from the community since five-year-old April Jones was abducted while playing outside her home.

Hundreds of people joined in the search for April overnight around Machynlleth, and the leisure centre was jam packed with helpers on Tuesday.

Even refuse collections were suspended as council workers volunteered to help.

One mother of a friend of April's said the response was "overwhelming nike air max pas cher".

April was playing with friends near her home when she got into a van, apparently willingly say police, at 19:00 BST on Monday.

Start Quote

You don't expect this sort of thing to happen in a small town like Aberystwyth”
End Quote Sian Rees Family friend

She has not been seen since and police are appealing for anyone with information to contact a special hotline on 0300 2000 333.

Sian Rees, 29, whose five-year-old son is one of April's best friends, lives opposite her and her family in Bryn-y-Gog.

As deputy manager of the town's Bro Ddyfi Leisure Centre, Mrs Rees has been helping to feed the hundreds of volunteers helping in the search for the five-year-old.

She was on duty when news broke about April's disappearance on Monday night and immediately offered the centre as a base for the search.

"We've had local shops supplying us with food and drink, while the local branch of the Principality Building Society has donated some money to help fund what we're doing here," she said.

She said people started coming into the centre on Monday night with leaflets about April's disappearance.

"They wanted to use our photocopier. I phoned the police and offered the centre as a base," she said.

Leaflet appealing for information Leaflets appealing for information have been printed

"Since then the response has been absolutely overwhelming.

"We've had volunteers [searching] from as far afield as Manchester, Shrewsbury and Wrexham come to help, along with local people tn nike tn pas cher.

"A business in Aberystwyth is going to supply the people searching tonight with torches and waterproof clothing."

She said April had asked her son to go out and play on Monday night but he refused because he was on his computer.

"She's best buddies with my son," she said.

"She's visited my house to play with my son. I don't know her parents very well."

April is a "lovely little girl", she said.

Mrs Rees said April had been swimming on Monday afternoon before the incident happened.

"You don't expect this sort of thing to happen in a small town like Aberystwyth," she added.

Mayor of Machynlleth Gareth Jones said people had travelled from outside of the area to help.

One of them, retired chef Dewi Morgan, 61, from Ystrad Mynach, near Caerphilly, drove more than 100 miles to Machynlleth to help with the search.

Mr Morgan is also a photographer and said he knew the hills around the Powys town and might be able to help find April.

Children's toys discarded in the estate near where April Jones lives Children's toys discarded on the estate near where April Jones lives

"I saw the little girl had gone missing last night and thought she'd be found this morning but when I heard she hadn't I drove up here to help. I felt I had to do something.

"I have photographed these hills (around Machynlleth), I know these hills, so my knowledge of the area could help."

Bosnian Eddie Hrustanovic, 35, from Newtown, Powys, works as a planning officer for Powys council and is also a warrant officer with Newtown's RAF Air Cadets.

"I saw the details about April's disappearance on Facebook and followed developments on BBC News and its website. This morning working in Welshpool an email arrived from County Hall (the council headquarters) saying police are seeking volunteers to help with the search for April, so I answered it."

Mr Hrustanovic, a father of a two-and-a-half-year-old girl, said he had been searching behind the town's leisure centre towards the hills on the outskirts of Machynlleth.

"I'm from Bosnia and I lived through the war there," he added. "I was an interpretor for UN and Nato forces during conflict so I know how precious life is. I felt I just had to come and help. It was my duty."

Retired electronics engineer Brian Clayton, 69, from Portishead near Bristol, said: "I heard the news at about 8.45am this morning , threw a few things in a bag and drove up here. My wife and I own a time-share in Pennal near here, we love the area and its people.

"We know the area well and I felt I might be able to help. I just wanted to do something rather than just watch it all unfolding on television wkooo."

April Jones abduction: Search continues around Machynlleth

Police and emergency services are continuing their search for missing five-year-old girl April Jones.

Supt Ian John said there was no news on April's whereabouts but a "methodical" search was under way. He said volunteers were no longer needed.

April was with friends near her Machynlleth home when she got into a van at 19:00 BST on Monday.

Police are still questioning a 46-year-old man and anticipate intelligence from interviews will drive the search wkooo.

Start Quote

We are extremely concerned about large numbers of members of the public

"So what I am asking really is - notwithstanding the great support and the commitment that people want to show in helping us to find April - can we please leave this now to the trained and skilled people that we have?

"I don't want those officers to be distracted by the well-intentioned and enthusiastic support."

Mr John said experience suggested any breakthrough in the search for April would be at a local level, and the search is still centred on areas around the market town.

"It is likely that we are going to find somebody in the search parameter where she was last seen," he added.

Monday 1 October
  • 19:00 BST The alarm is raised in Machynlleth, Powys, after April Jones, five, who was playing on her bike, is seen by friends getting into a light-coloured grey van
  • 20:00 BST Hundreds join the hunt and police release pictures of her
Tuesday 2 October
  • 09:00 BST Search resumes with hundreds helping
  • Police set up roadblocks and hand out leaflets
  • 12:00 BST Detectives believe April got into vehicle "willingly"
  • 16:30 BST Police close 12 mile stretch of A487 road north of Machynlleth
  • 16:45 BST 46-year-old local man arrested
  • 16:55 BST Police say they are hopeful April is still alive
  • 18:00 BST Candlelight vigil praying for safe return of April held at St Peter's Church
  • 18:15 BST Police confirm man was held north of town
  • 21:30 BST Family statement appealing for April's safe return is read out
  • 22:00 BST Police confirm the man was driving a left-hand drive Land-Rover car
Wednesday 3 October
  • Police continue search overnight with more than 40 specialist officers, including dog handlers
  • 07:30 BST Police ask the public to leave searches to trained officers

Volunteers from across the country have joined in the search, and some people arrived at Machynlleth leisure centre before 07:00 BST on Wednesday, but were turned away.

On Tuesday, April's family said they were "shattered" by her disappearance.

A statement, describing April as a "beautiful little girl, said: "Please, please if you have our little girl, let her come home to us."

The 46-year-old arrested man is in custody at Aberystwyth Police Station.

He was arrested at about 16:00 BST on the A487 main road north out of Machynlleth, which remains closed in both directions as far as Cross Foxes, near Dolgellau, 12 miles away.

Police now expect intelligence arising from interviews with the man in custody to drive the search operation.
'Tremendous response'
Officers said the man they were holding lived locally and had been sought by police.

Det Supt Reg Bevan described him as a "significant individual", and said a vehicle police had recovered - a Land Rover Discovery - belonged to him, and was "similar to the description given by the children wkooo forum."

Road closed in Machynlleth The A487 road remains closed as the search continues

Supt John confirmed on Tuesday that that the man in custody possessed a left-hand drive Land Rover.

However, he said it would be wrong to assume it was the vehicle they had been looking for.

He said: "Certainly, we were looking for a vehicle matching that description. The vehicle is of extreme interest to us, as is the gentleman in custody."

April's godmother Mair Raftree, 41, from Aberystwyth, who has helped with the efforts to find her, said: "She's a quiet girl, and an important member of her family.

She would never go with anybody and ask for a lift. We just want her back safely."

On Wednesday, Labour leader Ed Miliband said: "My heart goes out to the family of April Jones and obviously I hope there can be a successful outcome to the search for her."

Describing April, sweet shop owner Alyson Jones said: "She's a typical little five-year-old.

"She's bright-eyed and polite and loves coming into the shop with her family to choose her sweets.

"It's just devastating that we can't find her."

She added: "I feel like running to the shop and tearing it apart to see if there's anything I've missed."

A further news conference is expected on Wednesday afternoon nike air max pas cher.

Dyfed-Powys Police have asked anyone with information to contact a dedicated hotline on 0300 2000 333.